• Charles Jones
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  • Image 641 of 2086
  • Added 02 Mar 2022
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It's all about finding the right balance. Now you might think that red nose suggests otherwise but maybe it's just a cold that's settled in his nose. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium weight acid-free paper. It's what Original Jones Art did between shopping and hanging out at the AT&T store today in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Nikolay Semyonov 02 Mar 2022

"...proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.. " Don't know why these likes came up, but who cares when the image is most appealing. Keep well, Charles.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Nikolay! Just being my old stubborn self over here. Still doing my thing, my way. As I'm sure you are too. :)

Mark Kokopelli Watkins 02 Mar 2022

That’s for sure Charles!! “Balance over time.” Awesome compilation of symbols and great art piece!!

Artist Reply: Thanks, Mark! Yes, sometimes I turn the hog loose and it goes quite wild. :)

Ray Steele 02 Mar 2022

I find that red. Nose a little bit abstracting and annoying lol(joking). Charles

Artist Reply: Is his nose redder than it is brown? He could just be a 'brown noser,' Ray. Though that could be a viable survival tactic these days. Thanks!