• Charles Jones
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  • Image 106 of 271
  • Added 12 Sep 2021
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You've all heard and or used the expression 'blind as a bat.' Well, the fact is a bat can see pretty good. In fact, they see better in the dark than we do. But humans? Well, you can stick a human's nose in something factual and the odds are he/she or it won't see it much less smell it. Or you'll hear the retort, "Well that's YOUR opinion." Is it the constant barrage of advertising? Is it the failure of our education system? Is it a belief system so ingrained you'd need TNT to break through? Well, it could be a combination of all three. This is a 7 by 5 inches gel pen with color pencil drawing on medium weight acid-free paper. Yeah, it's one more for the portfolio of Original Jones Art as he weighs the little grey cells here in northwest Austin, Texas.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Ray Steele 12 Sep 2021

Oh you poor fella ild lend my glasses but eye don't think it would you any good lol. Real job Charles

Artist Reply: Yes, Ray, he, like most humans, needs greater augmentation than a thin pair of lenses if he has any hope of seeing 'things as they are.' Thanks for commenting. :)