• Charles Jones
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  • Added 11 Aug 2021
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Years ago I worked at a retirement residence here in Austin. We employees weren't supposed to call it a nursing home. It was up scale, you might say. I was young then. When I started employment there, I had only been in Austin a few months and was still attending the university. You know the one I mean. I was full of vim and vigor as young folks usually are. I learned pretty early on not to ask 'the residents' how they were because they were more than likely going to tell me and in great detail. Fast forward 50 plus years and I'm sure if you asked me how I was today, I'd go into much more detail than I once did. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen drawing with color pencil and just a tad bit of oil pastel. Yes, this is more of that Original Jones Art that's stacking up like kindling here in northwest Austin, Texas.


Anonymous Guest

Ginger Lovellette 15 Aug 2021

I like the added bit of oil pastel!

Artist Reply: Well, it's subtle, Ginger. I went in lightly with some oil pastel in the sky area and the background below the mountains. I then used the 'new' oil-based pencils to smooth and add some additional tones. It was an experiment and I think it worked pretty well. Thanks! :)

Mark Kokopelli Watkins 11 Aug 2021

Great question my friend and colleague! Nice sketched face reflecting your health! I’m back after biting my mom! My best, Mark the Slakey

Artist Reply: Good to hear from you, Mark! Thanks and hope you are doing and feeling good to better where you are. :)

Ray Steele 11 Aug 2021

Iam doing Just great thank you fur Asking Charles;P

Artist Reply: Good to hear, Ray. Or should I say good to read? :)