• Charles Jones
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  • Image 872 of 2086
  • Added 19 Jun 2021
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You know, lately it's been difficult to gauge which is the greatest; my internal or external upheaval. I've been coming to grips with my health, my isolation, my feeling of inadequacy. There's also the feeling that the cup being half full or half empty doesn't mean very much if there's a sizable hole in it. Everything seems to be running out and away. This is a 6 by 4.5 inches gel pen drawing with color pencil. It's a piece I was hesitant to upload because it isn't exactly 'pretty' and it isn't Original Jones Art pretending to be anyone other than an old guy sitting in a dimly lit room in northwest Austin, Texas.


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Elton Houck 19 Jun 2021

or-- the duality of man...............(.good composition and intigration)...or as the song goes--"just the two of us...."

Artist Reply: Well, technically, Elton, there's more like a company of three but it's all in who's viewing. Maybe I got carried away with this one. I sometimes do. I remember that song, Elton. Good one. :)

Ginger Lovellette 19 Jun 2021

Reminds me of the image the producers show when the TV program, "Bull" comes on. His is a little prettier than your image because it's two versions of a photograph put together somehow ... but YOURS is so much more creative because it's from your mind and your heart. Soooo much talent, as always, Charles!

Artist Reply: This is a little rougher than I like but I thought I'd upload anyway, Ginger. Personalities, the more interesting ones, are multi-faceted like a cut diamond. Each additional plane adds worth to the whole, I think. Hope all is good with you. :)

Mark Peterson 19 Jun 2021

Great creativity Charles, nice work ~

Artist Reply: Thanks, Mark! Hope all is great where you are. :)

Ray Steele 19 Jun 2021

FARout Mr,Picasso of the 21century

Artist Reply: Thanks, Ray! Some might consider my work a bit more cartoonish than Pablo's but I developed out of doodling and he was painting from childhood and grew up with artists. But I thank you again for the nice comment. :)