• Charles Jones
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  • Added 18 Mar 2021
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It might seem to the casual observer that there is a repetitious quality to my work of late. You could say that a lot of my latter uploads have been variations on a theme. Lately, with my energy waning, I have let whatever wants to flow do so. Indeed, much of my work over the years have been produced thusly. I consider it the natural order of my process. This is a 6 by 4.25 inches gel pen drawing with color pencil. Original Jones Art as realized in northwest Austin, Texas.


Anonymous Guest

Elton Houck 31 Mar 2021

Had to write you my allotment for this image..this one I call ..."....CHARLE'S RAINBOW MAN""....he is more than just a rain man....he is the consumation of all those native dances and chants for water to flow from the sky..................................He is the Neon signifying COMPLETION OF THE APPOINTED TASK,,,,THATS HIM OUR BOY--RAINBOW MAN!!!

Elton Houck 31 Mar 2021

I like what you do Charles...in art repetition is replaced by another buzz word--style...or as Ole Blue Eyes would.say ".....you gottas have heart.. miles and miles of heart...if an ant can move that ole rubber tree plant..then why can't you do what you do.. too...." KEEP ON KEEPING ON MY FRIEND...Al is not calling all the shots here....or you could say "WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE" ...but then duck--you know what happened to Cool Hand Luke after he communicated that message.........

Artist Reply: I guess in all things, including art, one should do what comes naturally. I've always put that next to the 'moderation in all things' maxim, Elton. Not that living along those lines has made me 'healthy, wealthy and wise.' Of those, number three has always taken precedence--within reason. Hope you are doing great. :)

Ray Steele 21 Mar 2021

You doing great Charles all work are precious and powerful work very expressional

Artist Reply: I'm doing better in small increments, I think, Ray, And that probably reveals itself in the work since it's impossible to distinguish the work from the 'worker' nowadays---at least in my case. You are always a 'Ray' of sunshine. Thanks for commenting. :)

Marie josé LAURIER 19 Mar 2021


Artist Reply: Thanks, Marie! Yes, maybe a bit more optimism in the countenance? Thanks for commenting and I hope you are doing great. :)

Al Budarin 18 Mar 2021

Something like reading the same book,but with a different ending each time,I've seen it done with movies.,as I've said before Charles,we've all had A MR.POTATOE HEAD, THERES ONLY SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS ,you can position different parts of his head.Looking at this character he looks similar.,let's see what the back of his looks like..anyways Charles,you have a terrific Brand with this character,yesterday I was looking forward to something a bit more Different,more imaginative,,but this is good,,,Eyes wide Open..,,,,,well done.

Artist Reply: With the original Potato Head, yes, only so many pieces and places to put them. Every one of my faces is built with subtle (or not so) variations and so there is something unique about each one, I think. Thanks for commenting, Al, and I hope all is going as planned with you. :)