"Into the Woods...with Lilith, " c.2014 by Mark Kokopelli Watkins, Artist | ArtWanted.com

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"Into the Woods...with Lilith," c.2014, is an intriguing interpretation, created in ink on canvas paper, shows those images and creatures living as trees, which my friend in the UK photographed on her many walks into the woods! Lilith's image can be found in the upper right hand corner of this dark piece and another friend(un-named), can also be found in the mid-right section of this piece. All of these images were based on her photos, with the exception of one in the mid-bottom, a stump-face, I found in historic Garfield Park in Indy.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 01 Oct 2014


Artist Reply: John, thanks for the compliments on this dark piece...because we are getting close to Halloween, I wanted to share this one! Lilith's photos are always generating an artistic response from me. Hope you are doing well my friend!! :)