• M Smith
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  • Added 15 Sep 2011
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Arachnid Night Life.....

Been out all night.... Time to go home... I'm out of here...


Anonymous Guest

Patricia Griffin Brett 24 Sep 2011

Wonderful photo! Not a creature I'm terribly fond of, especially the hairy, tarantula looking ones like him!

Artist Reply: Poor big guy; seems like none of us are really fond of him. Thanks for checking him out & commenting!

Karen Helsing 16 Sep 2011

Great shot!

Artist Reply: Thanks! They're hairy & scary; yet they still fascinate me!

yves colas 16 Sep 2011

amazing capture,i don't want found it in my bed hi!hi!hi!

Artist Reply: Thanks for stopping by yves. If I woke up and found this in my bed I would promptly be on the ceiling, hanging on for dear life! It would be in his best interest to stay outside in his little spider world!

Sharon Gonzalez 15 Sep 2011


Artist Reply: I know, but once I started photographing critters I had to get close to some that in the past I would have wanted someone to squash! Fortunately for me, he had no interest in coming after me! I'm pretty sure I could outrun him anyway!

Brenda Loveless 15 Sep 2011

great shots, Marsha!

Artist Reply: Appreciate it; thanks!

BILL NAGY 15 Sep 2011

Great capture, Marsha.

Artist Reply: Thanks so very much; appreciate it!

Cynthia Stayte 15 Sep 2011

Keep him there Marsha, perfect size to catch in a mouse trap....lol.....But ugly and all, an excellent shot!

Artist Reply: Thanks Cynthia! I'll bet his momma thinks he's cute! And, like Metin said, he has nice shiny hair! LOL......:)

Françoise Dénéréaz 15 Sep 2011

I don't like spiders at all but it's a great capture with very neat details. Excellent !

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much; really appreciate it! I'm learning to co-exist with these critters better than I used to; especially when they're not in or near my house!

Joanie Holliday 15 Sep 2011

Great Shots Marsha... But you can have these guys !!! LOL.. Wonderful Captures.. Joanie Holliday

Artist Reply: Thanks Joanie! The good news is that this big guy wasn't at my house - thank goodness!

Kate Gallagher 15 Sep 2011

Terrific shots

Artist Reply: Appreciate comment; thanks!

marie-claire gallet 15 Sep 2011

Nice fur coat !!! and great shot !!!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much; appreciate it!

metin topa 15 Sep 2011

seems like a big one and has nice shiny hair..great macro..

Artist Reply: He was pretty good sized & he did have nice shiny hair, didn't he? Guess I didn't notice at the time because I was busy trying to make sure he didn't jump on me! They probably don't even do that but I'm not taking any chances! Thank you, I'm always glad to have you drop by!

Anneke Hut 15 Sep 2011

Eeek scary, especially in the QuickZoom! :) But beautiful too!

Artist Reply: Yeah, we share that opinion! Spiders were always the one thing that freaked me out! Big + Hairy = EEEK! But, I'm getting better about that now that I photograph them. They are beautiful in their own eeeky way! Appreciate your comments!