• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 209 of 279
  • Added 16 Jul 2011
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High Noon at the Bell Tower

There is a place – some say like many others – that holds in its locus in space-time a special place in the sun. There people have gathered to achieve a common goal. There are those who say that thread runs from time looking back so far as be outside the markings made on stone or even tales told round the fires on sultry summer evenings. It was high noon when I turned my Canon (the camera – the big gun has two “n”s in it – most of the college students I teach wouldn’t have known that so I hope you are not offended because you knew the difference) – where was I? Yes, yes – the Cannon fire rang loudly with the report of the struggle between ideologies… wait – that wasn’t it, was it? ~:0) Ah, no it wasn’t – you see what happens when you interrupt. Right! Back to the topic at hand. For those who care – this photograph was shot at 800th of a second – for you metric users that’s an 800th of a Second – Ha!. Lens used was set at 6mm (that’s right – 6 – well, might have been 20 – who cares ~:0) ISO was 80 so there’s lots of nice detail – you should see a nice blow-up of this pix. The detail in the ornate window way up there so far from the lens is “awesome”! Anyway, high-noon at Mission San Jose deep in the Heart-of-Texas and it’s connection with what some might say was a long time ago, but as many of us know – things were happening even a long, long time ago. And, of course, there are those who speak of a time a long, long, long time ago. So there you have it! Real History happened at a Real Place a few hundred years ago and we carry on separating our colours (colors) from our whites for the washer as though it made any difference at all – Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

jamie winter 17 Jul 2011


Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie - San Jose is a most excellent place, though it would be better if there were live demonstrations at the tortilla ovens spaced around the inner walls and got some fresh ones just for passing by - now that would be excellent! ~:0) VivaChas!

M Smith 16 Jul 2011

Wow, such vivid color; beautiful!

Artist Reply: Thanks M - taken me years to perfect me photographic style - I'm pursuing a theme based on how we remember stuff ~:0) VivaChas!