• Karen Helsing
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  • Added 04 May 2011
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A Memorial


Anonymous Guest

Anne Whiteway 30 Mar 2013

Karen, I feel great compassion for you. My dear Mother had arthritis which was so bad that the doctor said she had "the worst back (spine) he had ever seen". I have osteoarthritis but I am fortunate not to have rheumatoid arthitis. Blessings to you. Happy Easter.

Artist Reply: Dear Anne, I'm sorry about your mother. I also have great compassion for you. Osteoarthritis, the type I have, is crippling enough!Blessings to you and I hope you had a happy Easter.

Jane Priser 07 Aug 2012

Oooo, this is so expressive. My husband is an arthritis sufferer, too. He has had it since he was 12.

Artist Reply: I can certainly feel for your husband. I'm thankfull I managed to escape being crippled by arthritis until I reached my late fifties! I'll pray for him!
Artist Reply: I can feel great compassion for your husband and you, too! I'd hate having had Arthritis at 12 when I was full of energy! It's bad enough that Arthritis forced me out of my livlihood while I was still 58!

Ana Johnson 19 Aug 2011

It is a nasty thing to have, I feel for you Karen, and yet you have made a lovely work out of the misery! Get well and eat raw garlic, as it is good for the joints and cleans the fatty stuff we have circulating in the blood. XXX Ana

Artist Reply: Thank you. I think I'll find out more about raw garlic. Would raw garlic happen to include Garlic Salad Dressing?
Artist Reply: I find that physical therapy helps quite a lot, too. Thank you for the tip on raw garlic.

Amy Yampanis 12 Aug 2011

Ouch. I hear that!!!

Artist Reply: I get the feeling you're suffering from arthritis just as I am. I've so far managed to minimize pain with physical therapy exercises. I always have tylenol on hand, but rarely need it because I rely heavily on the physical therapy exercises I learned from a therapist.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 28 Jul 2011

wow, hope to reach one day your freedrom of expression!!! GREAT!!! hope to reach it in my way.

Artist Reply: You will rech my freedom of expression in your own way some day. Each artist has a unique art style, a unique way of self expression.

M Smith 30 Jun 2011

Very moving portrayal! "Arthur" is a very bad boy! Glad to hear therapy is helping you!

Artist Reply: Thank you. I'm trying to have Arthur" put in jail and throw the key away.

Pashia Dsouza 14 Jun 2011

In-sight-full... much depth in all your art.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I found great beauty, insight, and depth in your work.

Caballero Salguero 28 May 2011

Excellent, and very original. Wonderful.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I'm glad you like my work.
Artist Reply: Thank you.

Nira Dabush 23 May 2011

sorry for your loss... great idea.. super tribute.

Artist Reply: Thank you. Many people don't realize how crippling Arthritis is. There's no cure for it, but with the aid of physical therapy, I manage to control it.
Artist Reply: Thank you. I hope to help others who are suffering from Arthritis. There's no cure as yet, but it can be controlled. I manage with physical therapy. I find that better than pain medicine. Even the best of medicine has side effects.


So sorry to hear about the Arthuritis...Powerful and moving !!!God Bless!!!,Dee&David

Artist Reply: I'm glad about your interest in my memorial. Many people don't realize how crippling Arthritis is. Fortunately, I've managed to relieve my Arthritis through physical therapy.

Ginger Lovellette 20 May 2011

Old Arthur is a bad one! Interesting expression you've given it. I've been offline for a while. Wanted to come see what you've done lately.

Artist Reply: I'll say it is! I'm just glad that physical therapy has so far enabled me to control Arthritis, so I manage to avoid pain without pain medicine. Most of all, I thank God that I still have some abilities left. I teach exercise class on Saturdays at that retirement home where I live.

craig moline 09 May 2011

Your an inspiration to many through your work and through your faith! God bless you, Karen.

Artist Reply: Thank you and God bless you, too.

John Cappello 06 May 2011

The Strength you have to paint this,with such beauty is amazing.You captured the intensity of the problem.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I'm glad I'm still able to do works of art. This is actually a charcoal drawing. I teach exercise classes once a week, more often when our activities director needs a substitute. I can't do the heavy work that used to be my livlihood any more, but I can still be useful and productive.

Julie Mayser 06 May 2011

I am so sorry to hear that you are not able to work anymore because of Arthritis.... yes, so sad , indeed.

Artist Reply: I'm no longer able to do heavy work, but I can still create pictures, teach exercise class in the assisted living facility where I live with the assistance of public aid.

ruth sears 04 May 2011

very emotive work Karen,so sorry to hear this.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I've been very fortunate to have the help of friends at church. I'm in a fine assisted living facility. I do volunteer work in the form of helping with world bingo once a month and teaching exercise class at least once a week, more when our activities director needs a substitute, so at least I'm still useful and productive, though no longer earning a paycheck. I'm also building my art portfolio.

Anthony M. Benjamin 04 May 2011

thou arthuritis may shattered a dream, I feel honor to be in presence of someone who is still chasing a dream thou setbacks.

Artist Reply: Thank you. I know God will continue to use me for good work as long as I live and I look forward to the day I hear him tell me "well done, good and faithful servant".

Sigridur Bachmann 04 May 2011

This is so sad my friend ! I hope you have a peace with you-self and may God bless you, always !

Artist Reply: Thank you. I do have peace with myself, for I know that God will bless me if I continue to seek to honor him in my daily life. None of us know what tomarrow will bring or even if God will give tomarrow, but all who love God have the precious assurance God will bring good out of everything for us in the long run.