Toneeke Way Back In The Day...LOL

Florida many years ago....15 years old and Under five foot tall, 83 pounds wearing less then size 1 clothes... oh geesh how I have changed....and so has my art... This was a piece I was working on as my brother had bought me a lot of Art supplies for my Birthday...and well I wanted to paint paint paint....still have my brushes from then... Grumbacher's to be exact


Anonymous Guest

ruth sears 31 Mar 2011

you certainly had lots of talent at a young age.

Artist Reply: Thank you and I do come from a very creative background and family.... art has always been one of my passions.

Anonymous Guest 30 Mar 2011

Before you and I became friends, how incredibly shy you look, hah! You were one of the boldest and determined people I ever met.

Artist Reply: yea some people think I still am...LOL

Anonymous Guest 30 Mar 2011

wow.... so tiny!