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Ribbons and Hearts


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My entire life I have had a great passion for art. It is what I live for. I can do anything that I challenge. Without it I am a lost soul.

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23 days ago
My father just past away @ 91... his family lives forever.... Laura Nastase This 4th, I am going to Celebration Park They will have Food vendors Fireworks and I will be selling prints of my work and there will be food vendors. I really hope I sell alot... I've been doing STREET VENDING for the past several years business has progressively grown. And I really enjoy seeing the expressions on there faces....! That brings me joy for all that I have accomplished... Recently won 1st place in a international Competition...They chose 2 of mine for 1st... The Jesus and Wolfs heads.... I hope everyone is doing well... - Anonymous
23 days ago
My father just past away @ 91... his family lives forever.... Laura Nastase This 4th, I am going to Celebration Park They will have Fireworks and I will be selling prints of my work and there will be food vendors. I really hope I sell alot... I've been doing STREET VENDING for the past several years business has progressively grown. And I really enjoy seeing the expressions on there faces....! That brings me joy for all that I have accomplished... Recently won 1st place in a international Competition...They chose 2 of mine for 1st... The Jesus and Wolfs heads.... I hope everyone is doing well... - Anonymous
30 Apr 2024
Loving all your work u have a great skill. I especially like your patriotic stuff showing the state of the country ???? - Anonymous
30 Apr 2024
Loving all your work u have a great skill. I especially like your patriotic stuff showing the state of the country ???? - Anonymous