







Portfolio Blog

22 Jan, 2008

I spent all day and into the night working on the installation in Scottsdale. I was exhausted by the time I got home but it was worth the time and effort. Both the owner and I are pleased... actually thrilled with the way the paintings are displayed. I've been asked by the owner to be on site to paint and to do a meet and greet a couple days leading up to the Superbowl. She's expecting quite a crowd and there will quite a few events (as you can imagine) in the immediate area. It makes sense to do something like this and sounds like fun. We shall see...


20 Jan, 2008

Well, I got absolutely nothing accomplished on my "planned" day, but with good reason. I had to take my son to the urgent care today and have been tending to him. He's going to fine but when you have a sick child... your priorties change.

I've rescheduled my installation for Monday and will get back to creating when my son is better. More later...


20 Jan, 2008

Ahh... Sunday morning. I love Sunday mornings because they have a "this day is for YOU" kind of feel and I like that. I did actually plan something today... which I rarely EVER do on a Sunday. I have an art installation to do in Scottsdale. So I have to tie up a few loose ends before I head out later today.

I'd like to start a new Glamour Gal painting today. It seems like a good day to do so. I also want to pick up some tools to start on a new abstract on canvas. Now that I'm writing this out, it seems like a lot to put on my plate for the day so we'll see what sticks ;-)

January has been a really creative month for me, so I'll just continue to ride that creative wave. More later...
