• Suraj Lochan
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  • Added 24 Jan 2021
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March of Robots 14th 2020

#MarchOfTheRobots2020 the Loss of Bantron, Doubled the remaining Android's killing Potential, while it Continued Mission Success... Nicknamed "Rage" because it's only compulsion became to #Smash any and all opposition; inevitably, friendlies too..................................................................................................................................The Arc in which Rage starts his Journey to become Bantrons Ultimate Rival, here is his backstory..........................................................often called the Anti Bantron. Rage was created by the military but before Bantron, but they corrected their mistakes by using lighter materials for Bantrons body and a stronger CPU for Bantron as well. though Rage's design was more crude and old fashioned, his fighting programing was not. the military installed him with every bit of fighting knowledge they could scour from the earth's violent past. they then teamed Rage with Bantron to work under Bantron's expert command in the secret special forces; C67. In a way they were brothers, but where Bantron's power flowed from knowledge, where as Rage's power flows from fighting. ........................................................................................................when Bantron abandoned post, Rage begain to detest him and vowed to Destroy find and Destroy him. Rage took over as commander and did his best to carry out the missions, slowly revealing his true self to be a violent killer... but in the end the world was destined to die. many noted blame upon Rage for the downfall of the military saying he Destroyed it from within. now rage enters the tournament to Draw out and humiliate bantron in a final showdown and thus prove that he was always the better; that might defeats mind everytime.

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