







Portfolio Blog

03 May, 2010

Monday! and now I know! 70% GONE! This is all fairly interesting. I have seen the pet scans from three months ago and those today. The Cancer shows up as black dots, and some of it is fist-sized black dots, scattered here and there throughout the picture (of me!). The earlier one had dozens, and this new one has less than a dozen and these were all dot-sized at that! This voodoo chemo stuff is working! I need more of it but it is looking like a total of 6 months instead of eight, so that is good news! There is no test for Hodgkin's Lymphoma, just these pictures, so we keep going and get some more pictures until there are no more dots. I didn't have my chemo today, it got rescheduled until tomorrow because of a data entry thing! I got lost in this system and no one ordered my cocktail of chemicals! too expensive to keep on hand (I still don't really know what it costs!) so I will get them tomorrow, and maybe, even enjoy them! cool, huh?


30 Apr, 2010

Friday today! I am "out of work" now and that is not all bad! Out of work at my age is a little like a school child on Spring Vacation. I can sleep in, which is like 5 AM for me, and wake up wondering what will today bring? and I can do anything I want! That is pretty cool and sometimes I do a lot and sometimes I do very little but always what I want to do! It is a little weird, knowing I have this "Monday meeting" with my Voodoo Doctor, but I am thinking that on this perilous planet there are a bunch of people that won't even see Monday! So, although this is all personal for me, it is relative to the situation. In the meantime, I am like you and "go about the business of living". I mostly ignore this cancer, play in my shop and work a bit in the garden, and I still have a lot of tomatoes to transplant!!!


28 Apr, 2010

Wednesday, already, and I have finished my "tests"! I know they know but I don't know! So this is a bit like betting after the cards have been delt. The CAT scan only takes 20 minutes and is like a movie projector X-Ray machine! The test causes cancer! Before the test one is required to strip down (that is the fun part!), dress in some hospital gown, and slowly drink some concocktion over a 45 minute period. You are not alone. There were two ladies there, cute and nervous in their hospital gowns. We were all at our best and dressed for the occation! I don't find it difficult to meet nor talk to people. "My name is Jerry and I have CANCER", I introduce myself, "what are you in for?" Well, it is like a prison in a way, we are certainly "serving time" and it is not like we chose this! It became an introduction to chemo-therapy (what a horrible combination of words that is!!! I like to think of "therapy" as a gentle massage, maybe in a nice hotel!). One lady was in the process of being diagnosed, this test was to confirm cancer. She was terrified at the prospect of chemo! I do hope I reassured her that this isn't so bad! Truely I have done much worse, but maybe for shorter time periods. I still have some hair I pointed out to her! and I have met a bevy of beautiful nurses!!! Yes, it will make you philosophical for periods of time but we need to examine our lives from time to time and this chemo provides that opportunity! I have always thought I would like to be hit by a cement truck and just have the lights go out, but now I am not so sure! One more blue sky! One more garden flower! Just one more of everything before I am done! Or at least the opportunity to be greatful for all the experiences that I have enjoyed, and thankful I was not a grain of sand forever! No, chemo is not that bad, and it may be working! I won't find out until next Monday, but I will be sure to let you know! Either way, I am grateful for what I have had, or will have in time to come! The tomato picture is for a friend of mine, to encourage him to build a greenhouse!


27 Apr, 2010

Tuesday! and the Difference a day makes! I feel so much better today so now the bad days are behind me! Oh, I am a bit sore from this latest battle but just knowing my good days have begun is all it takes! I usually make a list for the things I want to do when these good times arrive but I failed to do that this time! that is real freedom, no list of things to do! I get a lot of "Cancer Cures" in my e-mail, everything from asperagus to bleach to this is God's Will. I can believe that God has a sense of humor, I mean He must! a job that powerful would drive a person nuts! but I don't believe He has a twisted, sick vendetta type of humor! and I don't believe He inflicts anything on anyone. This is a situation that just is. The only power that I have and the power that I am able to pray for is the strength to deal with it. This is not the first "hole" I have been in, and I am hoping it won't be the last! I try to put it all into a larger perspective (the dinnasaurs lived for millions of years!), I try to keep a sense of humor, and I know I have to tend my tomatoes! I am off to a good start, today will be a wonderful day!


26 Apr, 2010

Monday, and I did the PET scans. They are not painful I mostly slept through this procedure. Wednesday I will get the CAT scans and by clever manipulation the technicians will digitalize these into a single image showing...I have no idea what! My hands are getting worse, there is something worse than putting them through an old fashioned wringer washing machine! They feel as if they are being smashed with a baseball bat. Now. My finger nails and toenails are hard and brittle. I still have a cough which is ironic since I smoked for 45 years without ever getting one! This chemo-medicine is not fun and shopuld not be called "medicine". I think it is more like putting steel into an acid bath to clean off the rust. That will do the job but it removes a lot of steel in the process. This will be an interesting week, after Wednesday's CAT scan, THEY will know my prognosis but I won't know until the next Tuesday, because that is when my appointment is!!! The answer could be anything: this is not working. It is working wonderfully. or something in between. Doctors are very cautious and do not like to be quoted and error on the side of indecision. We will try a little more and see what happens! that is my guess as to the answer! When in doubt stay the course! I am thinking that a really good Cancer Institute would be run by doctors that were themselves cancer survivors, had the operations, the radiation, the chemo-cocktails and lived to tell about it! I know this is true of Alcohol Addiction Centers. They have been there and done that and know from experience that which you can only know from experience!


24 Apr, 2010

Saturday and "day 2" of I don't know how many "Bad Days"! I think I am over half-way done with this process, but I don't really even know that. My main Chemo Doctor may still be stuck in Scotland. I have scheduled a PET scan for Monday and a CAT scan for Wednesday and these tests (think 400 x-rays!) should tell what the Chemo is doing. I will probably wait until the following Tuesday, in May to find out as that is my next chemo session and voodoo appointment. So, they will know but I won't! The answers will be written on my charts with all the appropriate forms filled out but they will sit there and I won't know for another week! If these bad days are any indication I must be getting well fast! 'cause the bad days are a little longer, a little harder, and a little less light! I can hardly feel my hands, certainly couldn't hold a paint brush! this is causing me to drop a few things, like my coffee cup! I still do things but with a little less feeling. All my tomatoes are in 4" pots now and happy. If the weather cooperates I will rototill my garden in about 2 weeks and that radically changes the looks of everything!


21 Apr, 2010

Wednesday, and I DID IT!!!


20 Apr, 2010

Tuesday today and I am saying "goodbye" to my moustache! I have a third of it or so but it is pretty pathetic, so tomorrow morning I will shave the remainder off! I have had it since I was 17 years old! Just a wild and crazy guy, I guess! I mention my hair because it is the only "marker" of my illness or the only one visible to others. I am not throwing up or even wincing, I am in no pain or much discomfort, other than being tired on a few days. So, when I remove this scraggly moustache all the evidence will be gone! I will miss part of it for another reason. People have noticed my concentration camp haircut and realize that something is wrong with me and ask how I am doing. It is like a secret society! I have cancer and am getting chem cocktails I tell them, and they tell me of their cancer stories, or abuse stories, or auto wreck stories and even worse! We share in these meteoric near misses and how we almost fell but dodged in the Nick of time and are sticking around because we like to laugh and explore, make stuff, grow gardens, love a little more. You can't really be a member of this club unless you have been close to the edge and looked over the cliffs but there are a lot of us. and we know it is Spring. Now. Today. The flowers are growing, a gentle rain may clear the air, we can breath deeply, we smile and laugh a bit and know there is still lots we can do. Most of us will get totally well from this experience but I doubt if we will ever forget about it.


19 Apr, 2010

Monday today and I just came back from another Chemo! I was off schedule so had a brand new group of nurses! I am possitive that chemo nurses are chosen by their personalities. Yes, they have to have a certain skill set and they are all very professional about that, but they have a humor that is always nice to see. The nurses were far more concerned about my lingering cough than the doctor was. He pretty much dismissed it but they are worried about it, almost to the point of conferring with the doctor again! Nurses have a knack of making you feel important. Part of having cancer is you lose your sense of importance.


17 Apr, 2010

Saturday today and my "best week" hasn't been perfect. I think I have a cold. I am coughing and sputtering a lot and don't exactly feel in top shape. I went around today with my camera and took a bunch of photos but as I looked through them I am wondering about Life's Perspectives. What is really important to us? Strange that an earthquake in Haiti will cause 200,000 deaths and some real misery, or one in the Pacific will cause a tsunami and kill hundreds of thousands of islanders somewhere (we don't even really know where, do we?) and now we have a volcano in Iceland that, without killing a single person has brought Europe to a standstill!!! The Headlines and news stories? This is costing $200 Million a day!!! Having Cancer does change your perspectives on life, you rearrange your prioritiies here and there and sometimes what was important to you is now of little interest. You learn that it is not really frustrating that we cannot control a volcano. We should be happy it has not caused much damage. I finally decided to post a photo of my Trumpet vine with new growth straining the iron trellis it is growing on. This is a strange relationship of Nature and my steel trellis. Today and for a lot more years it makes a beautiful entry to my garden, but the vine is working against the very steel that holds it up! Eventually the Trumpet Vine will win this battle and it will lose its support and fall down! I am not where all this is going, just random thoughts this morning!
