• Heli Aarniranta
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  • Image 265 of 2348
  • Added 03 Jul 2010
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Damaged bicycle wheel/

..poor Anton..this happened at the Worldvillage event 2009..to his old bike..never mind my dear resourceful son..came the following day back bought him self a new bike from the car boot or back yard sale:=)Bless him!!Resourceful boy and good price too bless!! ------------- Still I do not like people that do this to other peoples bikes..for what ever reason!! ------------ Captured whilst we finally got around and time to take it(by foot carrying ..)this bike to the "bike-doctor"..and yes I have asked for help!!NOBODY DID HELP US..SO SOMETIMES IT JUST HAS TO BE DONE... THE INTERESTING THING IS ..SOMEHOW IT WAS LINKED TO THE NEIGHBOURHOOD/voluntail multicultural project..Politics is messed up where it do not belong at all!! HERE..BECAUSE ONCE AGAIN OUR TRASH WAS IN A BIG MESS..FURNITURE WAS THROWN THERE..NOBODY DID ANYTHING..WELL A LONG TIME..BUT INTERESTING WAS ONCE WE JUST GRABBED INTO ACTION..WELL LATER ON THAT DAY..INTERESTINGLY..ALL THE FURNITURE WERE CLEARED FROM THERE!! ----------- take action-heart activism is..very powerful.listen to that urge from within and act on that..it will lead you to new adventures and gives you the power to the next step..no matter what is in front of YOU!!Blessings. ---------- AND YES I WAS VERY ANGRY..OF SOMEBODY DESTROYING MY SONS BIKE..THAT ANGER WAS EATING ME INSIDE!!!THE MOMENT I ACTED NOT REACTED!!IT HELPED!!IT ALSO HELPS TO CLEAR ALL THOSE LONG TIME ANGER ISSUES THAT HAS BEEN INTACT OR JUST PUT INSIDE A SMALL BOX..OUT OF MIND..THEY KEEP POPPING UP IF NOT CLEARED OR IGNORED..IN THE MOST NOT WANTED SITUATIONS:=) SO KEEP YOUR SPACE AND MIND AND SOUL CLEAR...BLESSINGS..AL OT OF RESOURCES FOR SELFHELP IS AVAILABE NOW.BLESS FOR THAT ..EVERYBODY CAN FIND THEIRS.. IT HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN SO.ENJOY AND WONDERFUL WEEKEND TO YOU ALL.. ----------- so sometimes you walk slow and sometimes you leap.Either way how you travel-ENJOY THE RIDE FOR NOW!! OH YES..SOMEBODY DID BRAKE MINE TOO-FROM ONE..AND ONLY DID I GO IN FOR FETCHING SOMETHING...WELL - DO KNOW WHO IT WAS..AND THIS PERSON DID THREAT ME BEFORE DOING IT..WELL PATHETIC AND HOPE THIS PERSON CLEARS THE ISSUES ...I WILL NOT GIVE MY ENERGY TO NEGATIVITY OR SOMEBODY ELSE'S NEGATIVE WAYS MY TIME..!!THIS WAS JEALOUSY SO IT IS ..AND OH BOY HAVE I HAD ENOUGH TROUBLES OF THAT..CLEARING UP..BEFORE I UNDERSTOOD IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM IT IS THE JEALOUS PERSONS PROBLEM!! ------------ ANNOYING IT CERTAINLY IS! ONLY IF YOU LET IT BOTHER YOU IT DOES.. New wealth revolution2012; webinar series has solutions and tools/methods like "Access consiousness" for example to use in this sort of things and in your life bless!!

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