February went by in a blur as I prepared for and then experienced my first studio tour. It went okay but wasn't quite the event I wanted it to be. At least I got some exposure and the event to some degree paid for itself. It did go a long way to calcify my belief that curiosity, at least of the creative or intellectual varieties, may be diminishing along with critical thinking and empathy. 'ART' has become something that the average citizen has a limited understanding of, especially now that the conceptualists have sprung up like so many ugly weeds in the once well-defined garden of the art world. Many look to Marcel Duchamp as the 'father of conceptualism' but I think he just wanted to loosen things a bit---not throw centuries of artistic aesthetics out the readymade window. I also think he had a rather sardonic sense of humor. That fountain was full of that wicked sense of humor of his. 'R. Mutt' indeed.
I've been painting today on a piece I started yesterday. It is based on the sketch I used on one of the tote bags a week or so back. I think it is coming along okay and I should be done with it soon. I hate to overwork a piece. Finesse to a certain degree and then leave well enough alone. It's a 12 by 16 inch piece on 1 and 1/2 inch deep stretcher bars.
I should have produced more this weekend but I've not been feeling very energetic. I have found myself taking several short naps daily which somehow haven't impacted my usual sleep pattern. Strange. Are they the result of physical or psychological factors? I am not exactly sure.
Anyway, more later. Hopefully, my energy and enthusiasm will return soon in equal parts.