• Tracey Riedel
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  • Image 9 of 55
  • Added 29 Jul 2008
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Porter Ann

"Porter Ann"

Size: 9" x 12"

Surface: Strathmore Bristol Vellum

Media: Pencil

This portrait has been one of the most challenging and rewarding that I have completed in a very long time. At first I wasn't sure that I could do it, but was willing to try after recieving the following request.

"Tracey, Last month my daughters first baby, a little girl named Porter Ann was stillborn. We have no pictures of her other than the ones the nurses took, which as you can imagine, were not good. I would like to have a small pencil sketch made of the baby for my daughter. Is this something that you would possibly take on? It would mean so much to her to have something to remember Porter Ann by that could be placed out for others to see. Her biggest fear is that we will forget her, but the pictures are just not good enough to be displayed and need an "artists" eye." - Pam B.

I simply could not ignore her request.

To learn more about
Porter Ann's Story
This is an article written by her mother and father published in the Charlotte Observer on December 4, 2007.

If you are interested in an ACEO print or other sized prints of any piece please email me. Porter Ann prints are available in my Ebay Shop Thanks to all of you who have viewed and commented on my work. Your feedback is appreciated and welcomed.

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All copyrights are retained by the artist. This image may not be used in any other manner without the written consent of the artist.

5 of 14 Comments Show All 14 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Ana Tirolese 08 Aug 2008

How sad. This is absolutely beautiful.

Christy Johnson 05 Aug 2008

You did a beautiful job, such a touching story. You must've felt a great and rewarding sense of purpose doing this drawing.

Penny Myers 03 Aug 2008

You have captured the true beauty and softness of a child. Wonderfully drawn.

Terri Hindmarsh 02 Aug 2008

Tracey, This is the most wonderful portrait I have ever seen. It is truly amazing. Beautiful.

Lynn De Serres 30 Jul 2008

Tracey, this is a truly magnificent portrait. Porter Ann's parents must be very touched by this finess.