





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

My name is Melissa Peterson, I'm 16 [17 in August], it's 1:56 am on a Friday night, and I don't know why I'm not doing something more productive. Like sleeping, for instance. Sleep is good. Especially when you've been awake since 6:00 am AND managed to STAY awake all through the school day!

Well, since this is a bio/info section, maybe I should actually post something biographical or informational. You already know my age, the time, day of the week, and that I sometimes fall asleep in school. But only when sleep is ABSOLUTELY necessary for my survival.

I'm going to be taking an AP art course next year, and will hopefully be attending the New Hampshire Institute of Art the year after.

If you want to know more, or want to talk art or something, my e-mail is [email protected], and my aim screen name is lissa8489.

Artist Highlights