• Michelle Dinan
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  • Added 30 Jan 2005
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Cane Hill Mental Asylum

February 2004. I went to visit this place and it's incredibly scary, it's all closed down now and is falling to pieces, and it has the most eerie atmosphere surrounding it. 4B, 5B and 6B pencils used on A4 paper, I'm actually quite pleased with how this turned out, I actually included quite a bit of detail and I discovered that if you put a piece of paper underneath your hand when you draw, the drawing doesn't get smudged! Ooooh! I think just about EVERYONE knew that but me, hehe. So therefore, my drawing looks quite a bit crisper that usual. This part of the building actually looks quite intact, aside from the smashed windows... and that open window gives me the creeps.

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Jean M. Laffitau 14 Feb 2007

Looks like a b/w photo!! Outstanding work!

Anonymous Guest 06 Feb 2006

I love this image ive been to cane hill so many times and i couldnt tell it wasnt a photo at first but then what do i no i cant draw im just a film student well done to u u have made this place look more haunting than it does in real life

MIke Calderon 01 Dec 2005

I'm going through your work wondering which one I should comment on... I could comment on all of them, but they would all say the same thing: INCREDIBLE!!! and that might get boring... You have a fantastic gift... :)

eileen martin 30 Sep 2005

wow, incredible work, very nice detail, and you conveyed the 'creepy' mood wonderfully:)

Greg Joens 25 Sep 2005

great modelling of grayscale values