





Portfolio Blog

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22 Jan, 2023

I’ve always been excited by the visual. My life long passion for art history, be it photography, painting or film, has given me an acute awareness of the world around us as seen through the eyes of artistic visionaries. I have learned that the photographic image can speak to us in a way no other medium can. It is my goal to make photographic images that encourage the viewer to wonder about the world in new ways and at times, hopefully, become deeply moved. My intention is to convey the memory of a visual experience in my photographs. Not just as it was but as I felt and experienced it. To that end I use any and all tools of digital manipulation at my disposal to evoke a certain mood. Alfred Schepis

[email protected]

“One should really use the camera as if tomorrow you’d be stricken blind” Dorothea Lange.


19 Jan, 2023

Any tips on selling my Photography?
