• Mary Ellen Parker
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  • Image 17 of 27
  • Added 22 Aug 2004
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"The Lovely Girl with the Little Curl" ©M.E. Parker ~I created this mixed media paint of a friend and A.W. member, a darling girl named "Meena". I tried to achieve a cork effect for the background, and painted Meena a bit different that she looks in her photo. Actually, when this portrait was done, the results looked very much like me when I was young, probably more so than like the subject I was trying to paint. Meena didn't have the little curl. My mother always sang that song to me as I grew up.... "There was a little girl, that had a little curl... right in the middle of her forhead.... And when she was good, she was very, very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!" So anyway.... this could just as well be a self-portrait of me in my youth.


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Meena Kurup 16 Apr 2005

hey mary thax for my potrait.ur really a darling.and one more thing i do have a curl.i have curly wavy hair.but u gave me a squint in my left eye.anyways a big thanx for adding this pic to ur portfolio.keep it up dear....meena

Armando Salas 01 Sep 2004

Beautiful portrait. You're the best, Mary Ellen!

Dawn Landrum 25 Aug 2004

This is beautiful! Well done.

Andree Lerat 23 Aug 2004


Joyce Goldin 22 Aug 2004

Nice picture!