





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

All my Art embraces the same themes in one way or another, in a hope to reach the heart of at least one person and inspire them. If i can get that, then i will die happy. So here are some of the thoughts that run through my head as i paint :-

Choose your ideals carfully and stick with them no matter what. But also remember that ideals are just that 'ideals' you can never fully reach them, but it is the striving for them that makes us a better person and makes us stronger. And if we can keep that dream alive in anyway, no matter how small, we have succeded. Always seek truth, and beauty in all u do. Justice and truth can be hard and somtimes a terrible thing, so in the small things teach your self when mercy must be used, so that when bigger triels are ahead, you can handle them easly. See the beauty in each day, in every flower, in every sunny day, in every drop of rain, in every person you love,beacuse one day they might not be there, and the memorys of what we once had will be all we have to hang on to. Live your life as a good person, regret nothing only learn from the mistakes. So in old age you can look back and say 'I have had a good life'. Embrace all emotion, and use it to create beauty.

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