






Artist Bio

Sand is a fascinating part of our nature. Sand is not just sand. It is matte, glossy, fine, coarse-grained, with a red tint or green or brown. Take a look and you will understand! I use sand in natural colors to make sand paintings. I glue the sand, layer on layer, creating different motifs, inspired of what I see around me or just my life.

Why sand pictures? My very first meeting with SAND happened many years ago in Gran Canaria. It was love at the first sight and I decided to take it home. I kept it in bottles from the beginning but I heard it screaming one day that it wanted to be free. And finding a way to give it freedom, it liberated me. I use sand in natural colors to make wall pictures. I glue the sand, layer on layer, creating different motifs and textures. I don’t use any tools, just my hands. I get the inspiration from the sand. Just looking at it, I connect its color and structure with an image of the world outside or inside me.

Working with sand for me is like going into another dimension. The contact between my hands and the sand is what keeps me grounded while I reach for the silence and peace inside of me. And that frees my imagination. Tina Raileanu

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