






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Lynda is a Creative Genie using her artistic, design, and writing gifts to inspire and transform.

Lynda is an artist, designer, author, and website developer. An all round Creative Genie whose mission is to inspire and transform.

She is a Multimedia Systems IT graduate with experience working as a web developer for a top London company. With her unique blend of IT skills and natural artistic gifts, Lynda quickly became an IT and Creative Support and Design Expert in web and graphic mediums for many well recognised successful pioneers of the conscious living arena.

Lynda also illustrates children’s and grown up's books, greeting cards, and oracle card decks and paints portraits, landscapes, and other artwork. She is in demand globally as a unique and extremely talented intuitive artist.


Lynda Louise Mangoro, CEO (Creative Executive Officer) of Creative Genie, has been using her creative and technical gifts to support beautiful conscious souls for many years. She is now very gratefully supported by a growing team of multi-talented Genies, enabling Creative Genie to beautify even more fabulous lightworkers and offer even more amazing support.

Creative Genie Design specialises in creating magical branding, soulful sales pages, wow-factor websites, and genie book design for conscious coaches and authors to share their gifts in the world in a way that truly reflects and conveys their own magical vibration.

Creative Genie Books publishes inspirational and transformational books for young people, including Lynda's own Young Adult Dream Riders novels and children's picture book Where's the Magic Wand. Creative Genie Books is expanding and will soon be producing more books and magical materials to inspire and transform in a magical way.

Creative Genie Magazine is a free online platform for sharing inspirational and transformational articles, poetry, art, and people. Founded by lynda and managed by Lynda and her team, this growing platform is another way for Lynda to fulfil her mission to inspire and transform.

Artist Highlights