






Artist Bio

Born on February 7th 1980, Silvia soon discovers art. Her mother and her father work for an important Italian company producing fine art materials and since she is a child Silvia loves drawing. After the Scuola Media, Silvia decides to attend the Liceo Linguistico W. Shakespeare in Crema, a school spacializing in foreign languages where she learns English, French and German. After that she attends a High School for interpreters and translators, wehre she also learns Dutch. Nonetheless, she never gives up her dream and attends Gianfranca Baldiniā€™s painting studio, where she learns various techniques such as painting on ceramic, glass and clothes, acrylic, oil and watercolour painting. She takes part into several auctions organized by Mrs Baldini; all the money earned are given for charity. In January 2008 she displays some works in Palazzo Spinola in Genoa during the exhibition Capolavori in miniatura. In November 2008 she exhibits her work at Galleria del Bracolo, Rome, during the exhibition "Paesaggi dell'Inconscio". In 2008 she also wins two literary contests with 2 of her childrens' tales. The first contest is organized by Edizioni Settenote and Silvia wins third place with "L'Ispettore Scheggia e il mistero della chiave di Sol". The second is organized by Badiglione Editore and she wins Sescond place with "Scherzi del Destino". In July 2009 she displays her work in Desenzano del Garda, during the exhibition "Passato, presente, futuro" and in Moniga del Garda, on Lake Garda. In 2010 she displays her works in Galleria del Borgo in Milan during the exhibitions "Volti e storie" and "I coloristi".

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