






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

My creative inspiration is through color, texture, people, landscape or pure emotion. I have devoted my time to learning the techniques of the old masters and inventing some of my own. I am self taught yet have had the benefit of studying artists from the successful to the unknown.

I do not expect to find riches or fame from my creations, just a vehicle with which to express myself creatively. I enjoy the passion my art ignites in those who have adopted my pieces.

My artistic endeavors have gone from canvas to plate now and I am very excited to work with this new medium. I began teaching myself the basics of gourmet cooking and heavily into the ingredients. I am an inventor so the natural process was to improve upon the techniques. I began creating my own ingredients and now I work with these to create edible art.

For now the audience is local, I do love to spoil the ones I am close to. I expect that I will have little time for a side business until my children are grown. Until then I will enjoy being an inspiration to others.

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