





Artist Bio

After Graphic Education in 1988 I worked for the first time at an Eventorganiser, doing huge decoration panels for the first time. It was then when I began painting, first abstact, but I had the feeling it was to easy. In 1996 I completed my first Fantasy kinda`landscape and ever since then I developed myself to become an artist in Treeworlds and Magical Landscapes. And not to forget..scary abstact/figurative works, sculptures. Photography is another passion. And my newest thing is to participate at the Bodypaintcontest during the Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Film. This is a challenge for me, because it`s a whole new way of working and just doing it is to get more and more experienced with the matter. It`s 7 april so after that I put photographs of my model here. Greenz to you all and may the force be with you!

Artist Highlights