





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I was born August 5th, 1982 and I live in Germany in a small fairy-tale-like village. :-) My profession has practically nothing to do with arts!! Perhaps approaching... to be creative, to present, maybe... - I sold textiles and managed a store. Now I major business studies since october ´05. I started photography some years ago, more hobby-like. Since one year I try to improve, I work with Software, I started with Postwork. I love to frame an image in a way the image gets the ideal attention - that´s my passion. But I´m still learning on it and I still have to learn a lot!!! It´s not only taking photographs what gives me peace and joy in my life, it´s also the whole composition! I´m working with my Digicam, a Minolta Dimage Z6. Additionally with my loved and very very old Minolta XG2 --- 28mm, 50mm and 70/210mm objectives. For postwork, framework and some 2D-graphics I use PSP9, PhotoImpact and Xara.

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