




Artist Bio

Greetings... My name is Andrew Brookman Farster and I specialize in digital photography and digital artwork created from a photo base. Most of my digital artwork at this time is of the personafication style. I feel each individual leaves a fingerprint of themselves in phototgraphy that is unique, especially the emotions people put off through contrast moments in life. Have you ever been told " I can tell when your lying" ? My work brings out the appeal of both good and bad in human nature. Eye's play a big role im my work though I am far from limited to eyes. I have a portfolio of over 300 digital pieces that contain a lot of emotions, expressions, human nature and erotica. I also quite enjoy b/w photography both digital and 35 mm SLR while processing my own work. A few of my artistic goals include publishing a picture book of the midwest, seeing my work used in various ways such as CD covers and calendars. I look to people young and old, structures new and old and the clouds for my inspirations. Some examples of my idol artists would be, Alex Gray famed for his anatomical appeal, Dorian Cleavengers fantasy and erotica, Ansel Adams for his landscape photography. What a combo huh? I hope to meet somewhere above the middle-ground and perfect my work so that it may be recognized like any artist wishes. Some of my work is for sale some is not and I look forward to posting a much larger portfolio here at should this prove to be a comfortable enviroment. Love to hear comments good or bad. God Bless.. A. Brookman Farster

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