




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am 16 years old. Inspired by my uncle who has helped me out more times than i can count and has been a definat influence on my art. Another influence has been my past but thats just where it belongs, in the past. I am currantly working on a comic that HAS A NAME NOOOOWWWWWWW>>>FUTEKI which means Fearless. And i am working for a game designing company doing character concepts and landscapes...Chya!

my favorite syings include... "Chya" "BAM" "thats...intersting" "my uncle taught me that." "ummm...that...cant be healthy." and "where the hell did you come from?!"

people tell me to draw 'happier' things but 'happy' things just arnt as much fun to draw as crazy awsome demonic...things! ^_^

Artist Highlights