






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Brooke Monette hails from rural Michigan, and draws on her years of solitude living deep within its forests for much of her work. She is currently studying at the University of Michigan. She also plays piano, and played in Ann Arbor band The Nothing, a local favorite during its existence.

Brooke uses Winsor Newton oil paints on her botanical-themed works. Opening each piece by laying down the foundational colours and allowing them to dry, she then drafts the structure of each piece. After sealing in the layout sketch, the layering begins. In this manner, a simulation of three dimensions becomes apparent, and the images emerge.

Brooke's work speaks of an affinity for gardening and the natural world. She is a frequent attendee of orchid shows in the state of Michigan, and occasionally travels to see rare plants in their native habitats. Sometimes these trips yield photographs for studies in natural lighting and eco-scapes.

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