




Artist Bio

Hello, my name is Helen but my pen name is Mika Kitsune. O.O I am a big time Gamer Girl, Otaku and Comic book nerd. Some of my favortie games are Mega(Rock) Man 2(3, 4, 7, 8, All X games and Legends), Legend of Zelda (All), Castlevania (All), Metal Gear, Breath of Fire 2(I haven't played three yet...), Kid Icarus and Final Fantasy, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Street Fighter and Super Smash Bros!

O.O Whoa...And that's just a few of them... Any who, I'm going to college to make video games cause I have always wanted to do that.

My favorite animes are Naruto and Yu yu Hakusho. I woud list the others but it Would be taking more space than I need, too.

My Favorite american comics are, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, Bone, Avengers, Identity Crisis, Iron Man, Spawn, Street Fighter(Udon), Darkstalkers(Udon), Mega Man and Gen 13!

Artist Highlights