08 October, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

ArtWanted.com Extreme Zoom Feature

ArtWanted.com is looking into adding a new 'Extreme Zoom' feature for our website. This 'Extreme Zoom' allows users to view your artwork with incredible detail. With this technology, we can take a huge image and turn it into a quick loading image on the net that allows users to zoom and pan with extreme detail.

Check the link out below to see three sample images and let us know what you think of it...

View Extreme Zoom Artwork



ArtWanted.com Staff 09 Oct 2004

Good to see that you guys like this feature, keep the comments rolling.

As far as the secrity of this feature, it's very safe. No one can download the image by 'right-clicking', becasuse it's in Flash. The only way to 'steal the image' would be to take a screen shot, move the image to the right, make a screen shot, move the image to the right...repeat 100-200 times, then piece it together in Photoshop.

As we mentioned, we are just looking into using this feature, it's not for sure. The biggest problm is that it takes a huge amount of storage to save these image files. Basically 60-80 times a regular image on our site, which means more equipment & bandwidth for AW. We just want to get everyones opinion if it's somrthing they like and would want.

ArtWanted.com Staff 09 Oct 2004

JPG or TIF will work on this.

Gayla, we are not quite sure what you mean by the screwed up bar graph. Take a screen shot for us and tell us what is screwed up about it, thanks.

ArtWanted.com Staff 11 Oct 2004

Gayla -

From your screen shot, it appears that you are using FireFox to surf the net and it looks like it's having a problem with Flash files.

FireFox is beta software, which means it may have lots of bugs in it and crash a bunch. Here is a note from their website about this:

Firefox Preview Release (henceforth refered to as PR) is a Technology Preview. While this software works well enough to be relied upon as your primary browser in most cases, we make no guarantees of its performance or stability. It is a pre-release product and should not be relied upon for mission-critical tasks. See the License Agreement for more information.

We suggest that you use Internet Exporer for a while and see if the site still crashes on Flash files. If not, then you should use this browser instead of FireFox to surf the web.

As for those that can't see the stats or this Extreme Zoom feature, we suggest that you go to Macromedias website and download the latest version of flash:

