26 April, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

Members Area Ratings

For those of you that care what others think of your artwork, we have updated the members area today with your image rating information.

If you click on the PORTFOLIO STATISTICS button you will see the rating of each of your images. If you click on the DETAILS link next to the rating, you will see a breakdown of every vote for this image.

If you click on the ARTWORK RATINGS button from the main menu, you will see a breakdown of your voting habits. It also breaks down how others rate your artwork. Enjoy.


1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 26 Apr 2004

Let us first say that every artist on this site will get ratings they don't deserve or want. We all love our work and think that every image is a high nine or ten and think that it must be a low-baller to get a horrifying '5'. The truth is, 5 is an average rating and although it's not what you want to see, it's not a bad rating.

Now, if you are getting 'ones' and 'twos', then this is different and we will always look into every one of these issues to see if it's a low-balling attempt, or just someone in a bad mood, or someone that just thinks that all the artists on ArtWanted stink. If you are getting low scores, just e-mail us the ImageID and your ArtID and we will look into it.

* We do not plan on requiring comments on every vote and the majority of our artists agree with this decision according to our member survey.

* To confirm what has been said, changing the name on your account will not allow you to vote more than one time. Everything is tracked by your ArtID number, not your name.

* The names of the voters are hidden until you have 500 votes on your account. This is because less than half of our members wanted their names to be known when voting.

* We have banned three people from voting on our site in the last week and we continue to crack down on those that abuse the system. We can't stop every person, but we will continue to work until they are all stamped out of the site.
