16 August, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

More Images for PrintsWanted.com

We wanted to let everyone know that we have added another 10,000 images to our sister website: PrintsWanted.com - It now has over 95,000 posters & prints of every subject on earth. These new images came from several new publishers that we have formed partnerships with, so we now have access to all of their prints & posters.

Not only this, but we have also categoried most of our images by keyword as well. This means that when you search for a specific topic, you will find at least 10 times the results you would have found last week, giving you a better selection of art to buy.

If you have not checked out the PrintsWanted.com website yet, be sure and do so. Give the gift of art for your next present to a friend.
