23 January, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New 'Self-Portrait' Feature!

We have just added the ability for all members to upload a self-portrait or photograph of yourself to your ArtWanted.com account. When you upload a self-portrait, it's placed directly under your name on your portfolio page. To upload your own image, go to your MEMBER PREFERENCES...ARTIST INFORMATION section.

NOTES: This image is a 'free image' and does not count against your monthly upload limit. We have also automatically posted all images that were entered into our self-portrait contest last year on to their respective portfolios.

We look forward to seeing the faces and creative style of our members as more and more self-portraits are uploaded. Have fun.



ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Jan 2004

Another option we added to this section was to ask if you give permission to ArtWanted.com to use any of your images in our marketing materials.

If you select 'Yes' you just might see your artwork on future ArtWanted.com brochures, post cards, display ads, t-shirts, mugs and all kinds of marketing materials.

ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Jan 2004

PS - We also fixed the 're-generate thumbnails' option in the MANAGE PORTFOLIO section, so that you can have all of your thumbnail images look the same.
