10 January, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

ArtWanted.com Moderators

We are in the process of building new moderator functions for ArtWanted.com and wanted to let everyone know what we plan to do in case any of you are interested in this position.


'Moderators' are active ArtWanted.com members that wish to help keep ArtWanted.com clean and organized. They have special rights to modify and delete content on our website and we will take their suggestions very seriously. They are part of the team that will continue to make this website great.


Because you will need to surf our website each day to be a moderator, you must be an active member of our website. To qualify, you must first be interested and then be active in posting image comments and messages on our boards, and in viewing artwork on ArtWanted.com. We will only have a handful of moderators at one time and they will rotate every 6 months to a year.


As a moderator, you will be asked to keep the content on our website clean and organized. Here are a few examples of what you will be asked to do:

  • Login to ArtWanted.com daily to post comments and messages.
  • Remove offensive artwork from our website.
  • Delete offensive image comments & message board postings.
  • Re-Categorize images & message board postings to more appropriate categories.
  • Encourange and support fellow ArtWanted.com members with positive feedback.
  • Do your best to promote ArtWanted.com within your circle of influence.
  • Recommend talented artists to be featured on our website.
  • Give us suggestions on how we can improve our website.


The main benefit will be that you will be part of our team to make ArtWanted.com the best art site on the net. Your participation will shape our website and keep it clutter free. Natually, there will be some other small material benefits as well as our token of apprecaition, but we will discuss these with the moderators that are selected.


If you would like to be considered for the position of an ArtWanted.com moderator, go to your USER PREFERENCES section in your members area and check the box at the bottom of this page. We will be selecting our new moderators at the end of this month. Thanks.
