31 January, 2005

New Pencil Work "Cyborg02"

I was trying to shoot for the sci-fi theme here. Does the enlarged head work with this? Tell me what you think...Thnx



N. Michael Bryant 31 Jan 2005

I think the enlarged head takes away from it.

Mandi Calvey 31 Jan 2005

The large head makes it feel like the viewer is looking down on the drawing..i never liked the saying "it takes away from it.." It is the most obscure critique people use in art..what is it taking away, exactly? thats a really vague thing to say. nice drawing

Andrew Kline 01 Feb 2005

Yeah, I was trying to make it look like the top half of her body is closer to the viewer. I think the curved landscape helps it out a bit.

Ronnie Fernandez 01 Feb 2005

i find it wierd that cyborgs are always depicted with a human's pysiology. In terms of dynamics the human body's stance and postion is usually less effiecent than one with 4 legs. besides that would be cool. neat pic though.

Christina Toews 03 Feb 2005

I'm thinking a *smaller* head would have actually been better. Neat ideas though, just a little tweaking and it'll be great!
