22 January, 2005

Almost done, work in progress...

Im not sure of it was nessesary to re-post about this or just leave it on the original thread but Im afriad it is getting lost down the list and might not get the same amount of exposure anymore.

I have a new updated picture for you to see, another progress picture, it looks done but Im still undecided, although at this point im not sure what esle to add besides my signature.

Thats where you all come in :) Id really like your thoughts on the peice!



Ellen Brucks 22 Jan 2005

I like the look of that very much. The trees do help. Great piece.

Michelle Andersen 22 Jan 2005

It is beautiful! And i think it looks done.

Binky Hawkinson 23 Jan 2005

the subtle hints of spun gold in the background compliment the winged Tiger, he is very beautiful on his lofty perch and poses much thought to the potential reader and admirer, I love tigers they remind me of honey and dark storms and amber and golden rays of sunshine and life, stength and vitality.

I saw a beautiful bird of prey today. he stared at me from his telephone pole perch, strange that he was there, waiting for me, looking down when I walked through the parking lot to my truck, beautiful reagal birds such as this are always messengers, usually meaning a significant change in your life, I was contemplating giving up on my writing endeavors

Candace Bell 23 Jan 2005

Ellen~~, Thanks for your comment. I still think there are a few things Id like to change. Some people had good suggestions on another form I asked a critique for this painting,

Michelle~~, I would agree, over all id say yes its done!! Thanks for the comment.

Binky~~, Thanks for the great critique and for taking note of the subtle but yellow in the background. I really appreciated your poetic comment! I often like my painting to be curious to the viewer by nature, allowing their mind to make whatever of the piece rather then just putting it all out there in stone.

I love birds as well, and I have had many encounters with wild birds of prey that were very personal and up close. My medicine animal is Hawk. I find that cats and bird of pray have that same glare of beauty and strength there is a similarity in their eyes or souls. So its only natural that I add wings to this large cat

Mandible 666 24 Jan 2005

Beautiful image Candace.....

Candace Bell 24 Jan 2005

Thanks so much!! *wide grin*

Dusty Allen 27 Jan 2005

I like it, very well done. It tells a story. Perhaps in your next subject try more emotion in the eyes. The eyes are indeed the window to our souls, and the first thing we see when we face someone or something. Very Good, Dusty
