22 January, 2005

Robert Singletary

ok enough is enough this guy needs to be banned hes being going on for weeks now and is not going to stop i think this thread should be removed and he should be banned its a waste of space and bandwidth thanks




WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 22 Jan 2005

A waste of human flesh...and an imposter...I bet the real Robert Singletary is not an asshole like this little twerp.

...just like the person in the psych ward...just hanging around talking to himself...

ArtWanted.com Staff 22 Jan 2005

If Robert wants to sit and talk to himself on the message board, then we have no problems with it. Most of his comments are complementing other artists or artwork on the site. There are many members that do far worse then what he is doing. Just ignore the thead if you don't care for his comments.

Paul Arruda 22 Jan 2005

He doesnt have anything posted....

WESTERN ARTWORK By Denny Karchner 22 Jan 2005

Sure, let him keep posting links to other artsites...duh.

This is supposed to be the "World Famous Artist, Bob Singletary?" Yeah right, like Paul said, where the hell is his art? Sure not on ArtWanted. I say yank his ass! This imposter is nothing but a mockery to this site and the artworld in general. He is a punk kid in Maryland not the real artist in Illinois. Give me a break.--Denny

BTW, his name is not Robert...

Lucas Seven 22 Jan 2005

...I like the kid...he amuses me...

sher richardson 22 Jan 2005

I say, lets all start threads and chat with ourselves... what a concept... maybe we should all promote lunacy..and let us all make multiple names like the above afore mentioned name...why shoot, if he can act like an ass and break rules why can't we all??

Or, the site could take some responsibility for actually listening and reacting to its active members who have some money tied up in the site...

yes, a hard choice.....

23 Jan 2005
