10 July, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

Your thoughts on rating removals.

We come across a lot of situations with the rating emails and would like to get your feedback on what you think AW should do in these situations:

1) An artist normally gets 8-10s, but gets a '6' from a member in good standing with a high voting average. The artist asks us to remove the '6' because it hurt his average. Should we remove it?

2) Same situation, but the voter gave a '3'. However, the voter left a comment saying why thy didn't like the image, ways to improve it and why they felt it deserved a '3'. Artist requests that we remove it, should we?



1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 12 Jul 2004

Lets remember the rules here people...

* Share your opinions on our boards, but don't attack other members.

* Stick to the topic at hand.

This message has gotten way off base. Stick to the subject and stop the direct personal comments.
