373 Comments (Page 18)

Katerina Koukiotis 17 Apr 2006

The only agenda here sean are the ones coming from troublemakers who want to keep things like there are so the bashing and rudeness to continue...again you are failing to understand this has NOTHING to do with comments on artwork it has do with individuals who have nothing better to do and attack people for NO REASON AT ALL like BULL DOGS And you really didn't answer any of my questions-which tells me you too support this chaos sorry but if I'm right winged you're left winged.

My only agenda is to see a positive change so your friends don't go off and start bashing artists and oh I don't go into threads that upset me-see you don't even know what happened and you make assumptions-They came to my thread and topic sir and decided it was an open invitation for them to start their attacking.

They have a problem with me they started it only thing I did was speak out about it and it's obvious it's rubbing some of you the wrong way-obviously some of you thought I wouldn't stand up for myself-you thought wrong.

I can care less what they post-you don't see me posting at the forums or visiting their threads-because of their mentality plus I have seen and experienced first hand how they treat people and it makes me sick to my stomach.

this is my bottom line...

Do NOT intrude threads and attack artists Because if you do there will be consenqueses to pay-very simple and not much to ask .

Adios :)

Sean Lynch 17 Apr 2006

I wasnt atttacking you Katerina...

It just seems that damn near every artist here has had some sort of run in or another from another artist...

So according to most,everyone here seems to have a "trouble maker" on their list...

Do you understand where I am coming from?...

So...Its back to...Just exactly who is a trouble maker?And...Who is not?

I still see you didnt fix that leg though...hehehe...just teasing...

Patrick Miller 17 Apr 2006

you gotta be kiddin me....could you post just once more and say the exact same thing please?....oh yeah...Sean didn't attack you, so where is the attitude coming from? The only rudeness I see is coming from you......'magine dat!

17 Apr 2006

Sean Lynch 17 Apr 2006

Hehehe Pat!! Popcorn anyone...

I dont support anyone attacking anyone for no reason...I do however believe in sticking up for those that can't do it for themselves...Am I Batman?...Maybe...

Katerina...no offense but you may want to re evaluate your definition of troublemaker...just a thought.

Anthony Mottram 17 Apr 2006

Katrina lovely, don't let the mood of the thread cloud your thoughts :) BIG SMILE :)

Seans a GOOD guy ALWAYS :) Been here 3 years ish and never seen him once attack anyone without good cause, not once lovely :)

I Won't make him blush, but the day he joined the exodus this place dropped a few more rungs lower, and I mean a fair few.

You take care Lady :) Laz

PS if I'm wrong, then my aces just became 4 dueces :)

Katerina Koukiotis 17 Apr 2006

So...Its back to...Just exactly who is a trouble maker?And...Who is not?

who is?? your friend Mr Miller-he decided to log in with his name this time and drop the lorem ipsum .

you want more names and examples? prehaps you missed the rants of a certain soemone who thinks troublemakers are so intelligent...LOL...

who is not? people who want a change for the better very simple.

Ric Strange 17 Apr 2006

I was thinking about thinking about thinking the other day ...........

Anthony Mottram 17 Apr 2006

Hey Sean, you're here :) I watched a 1hr Rock Profile Docu on the making of Darkside.

Mind blowing :) Seriously excellent. Shoulda recorded it for ya, but was having a self indulgent spell :)

Been listening to that little sonet for some years now ......................about 29 I think. haha

Good to see you smiling still brother ;) My best to you and folk, Laz.

Jessica Morgan 17 Apr 2006

Personally, for me, I have not had the honor of having a nasty run in with anyone here. Maybe that is why I can see both sides more objectively? Basically, both Sean and Katerina...you guys said exactly the same things just worded them differently, so did Laz. The fact that I know for sure right now is that several people were complained about directly to AW begging for them to basically clear up the mess, "the trouble makers"..this is why I said true colors. It was bound to come out sooner or later here...since there are so many varying definitions now as to what a trouble maker IS, (or pure denial) which is more what I'm seeing..AW is going to have to make the call. As usual, I mean no offense to anyone here...but people do need to be stood up for when treated so shabby, so disrespectfully, I'll stand up for ANYONE that happens too...cause it just isn't right. It's forcing your opinions and views down someone elses throat. Truly, its not about comments...we know already we put ourselves out there for that,good and bad. It's just about pure respect, wether you agree with each other or not. There are so many here, that with just one kind word, even a sorry, or even an "I was wrong", or "well...sorry I can't agree with you but lets move on and out of this"...they can change thier whole image, as Laura said..wipe the slate clean. It takes much more effort to appologise, than to go on with the bickering.

Patrick Miller 17 Apr 2006

I have never logged in as anyone but the name you see. I have no reason to do otherwise, because I speak my mind. If you had any reason to actually believe what you were saying were true, you would be no doubt slapping away at the keys to the teacher, but you don't and we both know it. Try sticking to the truth as it it is and not how you see it... :)

Chris Hoffman 17 Apr 2006

Can I get a translator to understand what the hell Bo is saying,anyone here speak old Swedish prospector? Kathi,please do not credit Ozzy for that song,that is like crediting Limp Biscuit for "Behind Blue Eyes".I ain't even gonna touch the Cyndi Lauper.... Katerina you are raising great points and I am proud of you for speaking out for what you believe,takes alot of guts for you to stand your ground when they circle the wagons...

Anthony Mottram 17 Apr 2006

Ric can I say "PHEW" for you :)

Kathi Perry 17 Apr 2006

This issue is dying an unholy death, the whole reason AW has left it up is to get DIFFERENT members to voice their opinions, seems like the same 30 or so people are the only ones replying and most of us have our own choices already made "either #1 or #2" Can we please stop this childish nonsense? AW can you please intervene now? I think the people who are most active on the boards are the ones with the loudest voice, please end this. It's ridiculous.

17 Apr 2006

Anthony Mottram 17 Apr 2006

Awww come on Kathi :) Don't spoit it now, this is the best part when the peace brokers go back to war :)

Its like the story of New Years day in world war 1 when they stopped to play football for a day.

Soldiers fight, its their duty :)

redundant soldiers find civvy street too boring :)

Only kidding, really :) The thread lost its way after AW posted the question, but the melting pot has brought much to the surface ;)

Many many truths in this little lot, and a few more if you look closely :)

Keep smiling Kathi, Laz.

Patrick Miller 17 Apr 2006

Chris has Bo done something to you? Are you really sure that needed to be said? After reading your position on the question at hand it would seem to be an inconsistant one at best.

Kathi Perry 17 Apr 2006

Yes good question Patrick, Chris you have been advocating peace but you have been quite active on the message board today in the General Forum although most of us have chosen to ignore your "input" because that is what a person should do if they don't like what they read. Get my point?

Jessica Morgan 17 Apr 2006

Yeah Pat...it wasn't very nice. Just so you know.....I'm with Kathi, we need AW to decide. This is just gone too far and it's gotten too nasty.

Karen Godin 17 Apr 2006

WOW! I would agree with Kathi on this. We're hearing from the same people repeatedly (myself included). AW said they were leaving the thread going to hear from more members - maybe if we (who have already voiced our opinions on this topic) give it a rest, others will speak up.

Valid points are being made on BOTH sides - but, it's ultimately AW's call. No point trying to "win" the argument in an open forum. Ain't gonna happen.

Now, I think I'll take my own advice... lol