75 Comments (Page 3)

Anthony Mottram 02 Dec 2006

YUP, spot on Patty ma boy :) So unlike you to outword me tehe :) The rest musta had effects ??? :)

PS: Staff of AW I draw your attention to this for the umpteenth time


this is a post that very accurately describes WHO Steph Salt is on AW and what she "should" mean to you.

A valued member springs to mind.

PS: I'm not daisy, you're a pest (haha)

Patricia McCarty 03 Dec 2006

For the most part,i like the new rules. It is AW's site and they have the right to run it as they see fit. I don't mind that some things are moditored, they should be...to a point. I personally do not see why Bo was banded and Anita was not. there is nothing I can do about that so I have nothing to say other than what I said.

I have no problem with following the rules, I don't believe in talking down to anyone who as put effort to the arts an is tring to be fair. i see you ALL are trying to be fair, But other feel diffently and in more ways than one they have a point. There ARE a few here who are real pest and try to shut other off by acting selfrisouse and saying how right they are. I hope after all this that AW will be able to controle the few dogs that bull bate and houd fun loving people and call them on every tiny breath of air untill they have build a body of effidance then report to AW about it. These are manipulators and the root of some people's anger. Maybe with these new rules we can all see better and get rid of problems faster.

personally, I LOVE the new report button and plan on useing it, I think it is a great feature that will make it very easy to pin point problems and attacks as they happen, therefore saving a lot of time and feeling. it may be just the net but there are a lot of feeling involved.

I have made a lot of different friends and ahve learned alot from them all about getting along. I LIKE AW and don't wish to see all my friends leave. so i do agree with most of the rules. I'll leave the tick tacky stuff for others to sort out. :)

Cristina Marsi 03 Dec 2006

[QUOTE]: We also realize that there are thousands of images that are still on our site that should be removed. As we find them, or they are reported to us, they will be removed. [/QUOTE]

No, AW, that is not right! A picture was reported to you (no, I will not make it easy for you to find out which one by adding url) and although there was an answer from your staff (the usual one, "more pictures than mods, blah blah blah... but if they are reported, blah, blah blah...") one week later the picture is still there. So i understand that you are either lazy or your rules dont apply in the same way to everybody, or both.

The more i read these threads, the less i like your behaviour.

Charles Oliver 03 Dec 2006

I see the boreds are deteriorating right back into what they were exactly before the shut down. We are doomed to this abyss of idiotic cacophony and vehement disagreement for eternity. We will continue to disagree to disagree and agree to exactly that. We will be energized, entertained and thrive on our misplaced misconceptions of each other. I myself find it quite enthralling to actively participate in this den of utter insanity. Don't you?

Leigh Karchner 03 Dec 2006

No, I find it sad that grown adults behave in this manner and can't let it go. I guess the only thing to do is overlook it and hope boredom sets in and they move on to something else to entertain themselves. I intend to enjoy the holidays, the great art and comradery here on the boards.


03 Dec 2006

Patrick Miller 03 Dec 2006


Can't we just move on?

The biggest preachers of moving on are the criminals and their accomplices.....

Your "human act" isn't fooling anyone....

03 Dec 2006

steve hester 03 Dec 2006

Let it go hu? It's not like they slipped up and used the word damn. They attacked different people on different post, they typed it, read it, then posted it. They didn't let up for one second. And they still haven't apologized. Put it behind us and move on. When they leave I'll leave it alone. Got Art.

Patrick Miller 03 Dec 2006

Yes...I want their a s s e s gone...then we can talk about "moving on".

All three of them.

Laura Smith 03 Dec 2006

Leigh this is NOT about entertaining ourselves. Racism is a very serious problem. Please don't imply we find this entertaining at all. Frustrating YES. Entertaining.. absolutely NOT.

Philo T. Fenstermacher 03 Dec 2006

....the word is camaraderie.

Sheila Chambers 03 Dec 2006

i am dead, meow

Charles Oliver 03 Dec 2006

You've gone through all 9 lives already Sheila? I'm still on my 1st.

Anthony Mottram 03 Dec 2006

Sorry Leigh, known you and your man a very long time, but like Laura said "this is not remotely amusing" to anyone.

Even if I despised someone on here I would never let racism be a tool for use against them, never.

I despise the concept, I despise it roots, I despise its entire meaning and goal, I have no place for it ever.

Anita is NOT whipping people into shape, clearing out the deadwood, cleaning up the message board content, helping to stamp out the fires of anger, promoting art.

She clearly posted that "anyone" who does not agree with her is a racist themselves.

Her reasoning is that "I" of all people on here, am fair game to be told that I am too stupid to know racism when it happens.

The reason for her "knowledge" .... "she is a woman of colour".

Sorry, but not here, not with me.

I am NOT a racsit because I am too niave to know better, or too uneducated to know its True meanings.

I have NEVER used the colour of my skin to promote ANY ethic on here or in life.

Racism = use of skin colour to promote ethic.

Perhaps the confusion in here lies in "Definition of Racism".

Perhaps the owners of the site need to make it very clear to EVERYONE what Racism IS, ehat it means, and how it will not be tolerated in any form from ANYONE.

NO FAVOURS, not in this department.

Be good lady, keep smiling, I am not wolfpack, not a convert, but I am against racism when it rears its ugly head.

Definiton of its meaning will help everyone on here to best guage its use and values in a unilateral sense, not a personal sense.

Racism is not a matter for personal opinion, it is illegal and to the best part abhored throughout the civilised world for what it is, "An outdated belief" well past its sell by date.


kari korhonen 04 Dec 2006

I too believe that racism thing was below the belt and people involved should have a lifetime ban.

AW: nice going. Props!

ArtWanted.com Staff 04 Dec 2006

We belive in giving everyone at least one warning, no matter how bad the comments are on the boards, before they are banned/deleted. If this were not the case, many active members of our boards would be banned at this point.

However, the person referenced in these threads continued with personal attacks after our warning, and their account has now been removed from our site.

04 Dec 2006

04 Dec 2006

Charles Oliver 04 Dec 2006

Amen AW.