20 April, 2012
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New Artist Portfolio Videos!!!

Video Portfolio

Internet video has completely changed the world in the last few years and it’s become the most popular medium for entertainment and training. We wanted to create a way that our members could quickly turn their ArtWanted.com portfolio images into a video and we are excited to announce that this feature is now live!

ArtWanted.com members can now create unlimited portfolio videos for free, through our integration with Animoto.com. Within minutes, you can create an exciting portfolio video that can be posted on YouTube, Facebook, ArtWanted.com or any other websites. We will even auto-populate your video with your 25 most recent uploads to get you up and running quickly. These are not boring slideshow videos, they are full of animations, transitions and special effects to really show off your artwork.

This Free Video Feature Includes:

  • Unlimited 30-second portfolio videos
  • Dynamic, themed video styles – Each video is unique
  • 600+ audio tracks to choose from for background music
  • Upload additional images from your computer
  • Add animated video frames with your own text

This new video feature is available for all ArtWanted.com members and can be used to create as many videos as you want. Additional upgrades such as more templates, longer videos, more music and HD options are also available for a small fee.

On top of these changes, we have also added a new “Videos” tab to your ArtWanted.com portfolio. You can use this area to watch the new videos you have created with our system or display ANY other video that is found on the Internet that you like. (See Example) As expected, we also record the number of hits your video tab is getting and report this in our statistics area.

We can’t wait to see the videos you can create with your artwork, so visit the new Portfolio Video area inside your ArtWanted.com members area to get started. Once you create a video, feel free to share the link to the video by replying to this message post.

UPDATE: We have created a quick tutorial on how to get your videos from Animoto.com to your portfolio page. View Tutorial


Create Video Now

PS - Here are a few sample videos from our members to show what can be done...



ArtWanted.com Staff 20 Apr 2012

Artist: Paul Weiner

ArtWanted.com Staff 20 Apr 2012

Photographer: Warren Ballard

Lynn De Serres 22 Apr 2012

Congratulations AW on creating this FANTASTIC feature !!! Well done !!!

I have made my first video using the new feature and really like the results. Lots of fun to do and really easy to use.

Many thanks AW !!!

Lynn De Serres 22 Apr 2012

Greetings Art Wanted,

As mentioned in the above post, I am delighted to have the videos new feature.

Is there a way to add more than one video to my page?

Many thanks for your very kind attention.

Best Regards,


ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Apr 2012

Lynn - Glad to hear you like the new video feature. Yes, you can add multiple videos to your video tab. To do this, simply place your embed code for each video, one on top of the other in the video box.

We suggest that you don't put more than 5 videos on the video tab, as the loading performance of the users is impacted by each video you add.

Lynn De Serres 23 Apr 2012

Greetings Art Wanted Staff,

Thank You soooooooooo much for your reply to my question. I was able to add one extra video.

As for your advise about uploading max 5 videos - that is REALLY good advise - things could get too confusing with more that 5.

As for myself - I have planned to have 2 or max 3 videos on my page.

Wishing you all well,


bari titen 23 Apr 2012

i love this new video idea, thank you! :) (i may make more too) :) i was thinking of putting mine on youtube but was wondering if it is safe from rightclicking/theft? would i need to put watermarks on my artwork first?

ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Apr 2012

Bari - It is easy to post these new videos up to YouTube, and we think this is something everyone should do. You don't need to worry about the "right-click" issue with video.

Vincent Buchisnky 25 Apr 2012

Help! I made a video, went to the source code, pasted it. ..but can't see my video.

How can I delete it and start over? Thanks

ArtWanted.com Staff 25 Apr 2012

You shouldn't need to start over. If you already have the video, return to your "My Videos" page on Animoto, get the HTML EMBED code and then copy and paste that code into your ArtWanted.com members area in the video section. If you have a hard time, just e-mail us the HTML for your videos and we can do it for you.

Vincent Buchisnky 25 Apr 2012

Thanks for your quick response. I tried to copy and paste the code via email but the respone was that there are too many URLS, so the email was not sent.

I am usually pretty good at this..can you be more specific as to what section of the code I need to paste?

Much appreciated.

Vincent Buchisnky 25 Apr 2012

Never mind... I got it!

Works great.


Johnny M 25 Apr 2012

OK AW, Well it's about time you got this website video enabled! {:-) A very cool and useful tool to any artist who just can't quite scratch the itch for creation all the way! I love the fact that I can embed code from wherever my videos are posted online and bring them here, so that I can share more of my work and expand outward just a little bit more! As long your site continues to improve and move in an upwardly mobile direction, there will be nothing that can stop the forward momentum! Cheers to you! Keep on Rockin, and that keeps people Talkin!


John Michael Piper

Luis Diaz 26 Apr 2012

Just added my video to my portfolio with animoto.

I also embedded it in my artcardswanted site:


ArtWanted.com Staff 26 Apr 2012

Great to see all the videos that you are creating everyone! Keep them up.

bari titen 26 Apr 2012

thank you for your answer :)

i created an acct on youtube, but i need to create a channel...how would i name it so i get peeps to see my artwork? would i just have my name in it?

thanks :)

Kathie Nichols 26 Apr 2012

This is an awesome addition to the site.....fabulous...just added three videos yesterday.

ArtWanted.com Staff 27 Apr 2012

FYI - We just added a quick tutorial to show you how to get your videos from Animoto.com to your ArtWanted.com video page.

View Tutorial

Angela Taylor 28 Aug 2012

Why do they charge for the longer videos if it's supposed to be free for artwanted members? Thank you for providing this service to others though. I truly hope that everything works out. *HUGS* Angela Taylor

ArtWanted.com Staff 05 Sep 2012

Angela - With our partnership, we are only able to offer the 30 second videos at no charge. Additional features and length of videos are additional upgrades available for a small fee, but they are not included with the free integreation of ArtWanted at this time.

This discussion continues on the next page...