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21 January, 2005
  • Heidi Banas

Latest Comment...

Hi Art wanted, Well this morning I have reeived the books. Thankyou so much, its a fantastic oulay but I wish I never orderd the soft cover one as its very hard to handle because of the shape & the amount of pages.

02 December, 2004
  • Staff
  • 02 Dec 2004

Original Post: Book Update #4

We have received several e-mails about the status of the book, so we wanted to post an official note that all can read...


First off, we want to say that we are very impressed with the artwork that we received for the book. There are some extremely talented artists that we have on this site and featured in the book. These artists deserve more exposure to their amazing art skills and we hope that the book is one way of making this happen for them. Everyone that sees the book should be very impressed with the talent contained within the pages.


The book contains over 650 beautiful images from over 250 different artists. The book has 254 total pages if you count the table of contents and the index. This is 100 pages more then we were planning on, so it's a bonus for all those that have preordered thinking it would only be 150 page book.

The book measures 12" long and 9" tall (gallery style) and both soft-bound and hard-bound versions are available. Both versions are done with stitched binding for added durability to the book spine. The hard bound books also contain a full color protective sleeve that wraps around the book. We have printed 3,000 copies (2,000 SB, 1,000 HB) and we have had about 1,000 pre-orders so far. Official Title: Creative Minds


The book is at the printers right now getting printed and bound. There was a slight delay from our original timeline, because we had wait for many artists to send us higher resolution images for their pages. However, this has only delayed the book about a week from our original plan. The book should be in our hands by the end of next week and we will stop everything we are doing to ship these pre-ordered books out ASAP. There are almost 1,000 pre-ordered books, so it will take a few days to ship them all out.

They will be shipped via Priority Mail in most cases, so if you have ordered one, you should have it within a few days of us putting them in the mail. The soft-bound will be getting to us a few days before the hard-bound versions, so soft-bound orders will be shipped out first. If you ordered both versions, we will wait until we have both books, so that only one package needs to be shipped. We will send you an e-mail on the day your book ships, so that you know when to expect it. If you don't get a shipping e-mail by the 20th, please e-mail us with your payment details and we can look into your order status. For those that ordered the book for Christmas presents, there is still a large enough window to get it to you before the holiday. If you want us to FedEx the books overnight delivery for you, please let us know and we will charge your card the additional amount for this overnight service.


If you have ordered a book and you live outside of the US, there will be an additional charge for the shipping and handling that was not charged to your original order. The exact amount varies from country to country and how many books are to be shipped. By default, your credit card will be charged the additional shipping fee on the day your books are shipped out. If you want to know the exact amount (before we charge your card), please e-mail us this request along with your order number. Keep in mind that we will have to wait for your price approval for this process, which will delay the shipping of the book to you. We can not guarantee the delivery date of the book outside of the US, because it may take several weeks to get to you, depending on your location.


We have extended the pre-order discount of 20% up through Friday the 10th of December. This will give those that have procrastinated a few more days to save some cash. After this time, the online order form will be updated to the full retail price of the books. If you would like to save 20%, we suggest that you order the book within the next week for this discount. Also, we are not able to guarantee Christmas delivery if the book is not pre-ordered.


Once we have the book in hand, we will launch a reseller program, for those that are interested. You will be able to put a link on your website to promote the book and make a little cash off any sales you refer to us. We will also have a book wholesale program for those of you that wish to buy the book in bulk and resell it. Because of the current pre-order discount, reseller commissions are only being offered on sales at the full retail price.


We do not yet know if there will be any future books. This will depend on the success of this first book. So far, we are still in the hole quite a bit for this one and we would at least need to break even to create more publications. We should know within 3-6 months if more books will be seen on the shelves. We have had fun doing this one and know that there were many talented artists that did not get included for this first printing, so we sure hope that we can do it again.

Well this is about all we can think up for now on the book. We will be updating the book page with additional sample pages and information next week sometime. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

SHAMELESS PLUG: Make sure that the book is under your Christmas tree this year. Order Now!

Sorry, had to put it in there. :-)