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30 August, 2022
  • Fire Needle

Latest Comment...

nice lips...come here often?...

22 August, 2022
  • Staff
  • 22 Aug 2022

Original Post: Updated Like, Bookmark and Follow Buttons

We want you to LIKE more images! We want you to BOOKMARK more favorite images! We want you to FOLLOW more artists! We want YOU to get more image likes, bookmarks and followers, too!

We have just made several updates to ArtWanted to hopefully encourage more likes, bookmarks and artist followers. These changes were made to the large image view for every image on the website.

First, we have updated the icons of these actions to make them more recognizable. Second, we have moved these icons from the side of the image to be directly under each image. Third, we have added the like, save/bookmark and follow icons on the mobile version of ArtWanted. We think each of these changes will help everyone get a little more love on ArtWanted.

Under each image, you will now find up to 4 images. Here is a breakdown of these images.

LIKE (heart icon) – Click this icon to send a quick LIKE to the artist that you like their work. You can also see all of the image you have ever liked in the past on your LIKED IMAGES page.

SAVE (bookmark icon) – Click this icon if you really love the image and want to save it to your bookmarked images. You can see all of your favorite images you have ever saved on the SAVED IMAGES page.

ADD TO PIC OF THE DAY (calendar icon) – This icon will only show up after you have liked or saved an image to your personal favorites. After this, you can add this image to the “Pic of the Day” gallery, a special gallery where you get to choose what images are featured in this gallery each day by your actions.

FOLLOW ARTIST (user plus icon) – If you like the artwork/photos of the artist you are looking at, you can click this button to start following the artist. When you follow an artist, you will see all of their new artwork on the ArtWanted home page as well as your personal Art Feed page. You will also get an e-mail each time this followed artist uploads new artwork (which can also be turned off in your notification settins if desired).

As we said above, we want you to interact more with the artwork on ArtWanted and we want you to also get more likes/followers. Now go ahead and really use these updated icons to LIKE, SAVE and FOLLOW your favorite artists as your browse the website!

Image Credit: Womans Lips by Elizavella Bowers