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06 March, 2024
  • Mark Peterson

Latest Comment...

I don't think it would be much of a problem since every home computer comes with this option, but I don't know the cost or the specifics for a site like this to obtain this kind of app. I'm not sure of the work involved or the time it would take, but it sure would take a burden off of the member. I deleted over 400 images from 900 to less than 500... but one by one it was painstakingly slow and took a few months. I have a few more hundred I want to delete but just don't have the patience anymore.

11 July, 2022
  • Mark Peterson
  • 11 Jul 2022

Original Post: Deleting Images

Can we please delete more than one image at a time. Pull up my portfolio and click on everything I want to go in one beautiful click? After years of sitting in the back of my portfolio I don't imagine there are too many that see it. When you have hundreds of images and some have thousands deleting one at a time is just insane. Perhaps it can be done like the sorting... everything comes up on one page and you click on everything you want deleted. Hit Save! Bam ! all gone ~