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08 May, 2023
  • Cheryl Garman-Andrade

Latest Comment...

I love this feature. It's so nice to be able to organize our art. Thank you!

02 July, 2022
  • Staff
  • 02 Jul 2022

Original Post: Portfolio Image Sorting Now Available!

We have just added a FREE UPGRADE for all ArtWanted members to custom sort your portfolio images in your desired order!

By default, your portfolio images are sorted from most recent to oldest image. However, using this new drag-n-drop feature in your Control Panel, you can rearrange the order of the images in your portfolio. This allows you to sort, group and arrange your images by your desired preference for your ArtWanted portfolio. If you are a using Premium Albums feature, you can also sort the images inside each album if desired.

You now have full control over the sort order of your portfolio images, and it’s simple to arrange the images in any order you desire. This is an optional new feature and you don’t need to use it if you prefer not to take the time to arrange your images.

Please let us know your feedback (and any issues) in the comments below. Happy Sorting!


From your ArtWanted Control Panel, simply click the MANAGE PORTFOLIO link and then click the SORT IMAGES tab at the top of the page. You will see thumbnails of all your images, which you can drag-n-drop into your desired order, then click the SAVE SORT ORDER button at the bottom of the page. Your portfolio will be instantly updated with the new arrangement, which you can preview at anytime. Sort Now