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28 June, 2021
  • Mark A. Lembo

Latest Comment...

Dale, thank you. I get that 'art' is subjective and 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'

At least with taped bananas, and even urinals, there is something there to react to. The artist does reference quantum physics and uncertainty in his presentation. Nothing(ness) takes matters (or, no matter) to the ultimate extreme. What's next, selling an idea?

Yes, it has provoked a reaction and thought - more(?) about the audacity (or inanity, depending on your POV) of the act - not about an object. Mission accomplished (if that was the mission).

Cheers, MAL

06 June, 2021
  • Mark A. Lembo
  • 06 Jun 2021

Original Post: Going about this the wrong way?

Has anyone seen this headline and article?

"From the department of “They sold that for how much?!” comes today’s story, about an Italian artist who, for the cool price of €15,000 ($18,300), recently auctioned an artwork that is… well, nothing.

Last month, the 67-year-old artist Salvatore Garau sold an “immaterial sculpture”—which is to say that it doesn’t exist."
