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21 September, 2021
  • Dale Newman

Latest Comment...

We have to remember that art is the final result of what ones sees with their eyes or with their minds eye, regardless of the medium used. As far as the skill, that's not important. Why? because art is an expression of one's heart regardless of abilities. I fancy myself as a Sketch artist and a Photographer, I feel both express the beauty I see in the world, both mediums of art.

26 February, 2021
  • Brian Wolfgang Becker
  • 26 Feb 2021

Original Post: Is Photography Art?

Being a new member of who works in different creative mediums and ways these days, I feel that excluding photography as art is actually belittling a process that in its conventional form was over 175 years in the making. A highly skilled profession that some people came to master as both technicians and as visual artists. Those in the fiield of traditional painting on canvas, digital platforms or in mixed media seem to be considered as providing Art here on

The digital revolution has changed the process of image capture and presentation but not really the medium in terms of its creative applications. There have been many photographs taken that would not or should not be considered as Art but there are also many that should be. The same applies for digital capture , painting and mixed media or motion film and video production. Some is art and some is not.

What are your thoughts on this subject and issue of exclusion when it comes to defining art and what it should be or actually is?

Brian Wolfgang Becker